I became aware of this project, "Take.it.E6G | Talentos e Artes com Kreatividade e Empreendedorismo", through a friend who collaborates in this non-profit organization, which has made a difference among young people in the territories of Torre and Galicia in the region of Cascais, thus providing social answers and helping to empower the internal resources of these same neighborhoods.
Take.it.E6 is a social intervention project co-financed by a programme of choices ("Programa Escolhas") and the Cascais City Hall (CCH), with the CCH as the promoting entity and the Association "Ideias Oblíquas" as the managing entity.
It operates based on artistic, innovative and employing tools.
Due to follow this project for some time through this friendship and social networks, and because I consider this, a project worth to be shared, I chose Take.it.E6G to photograph these two territories and the young residents where this organization makes the difference.
It is important to mention that these pictures are only a small part of all the work and impact that Take.it has on the lives of these young people and their families.
Two days is a very short time to show how Take.it helps these communities to use their resources, find their potential and create occupations that will lead these young people to new goals and help them in their personal fulfilment.
Take.it.E6G will continue to be active in the neighbourhoods of Torre and Galicia (Bairro Fim do Mundo) for another year and perhaps for many more... everything depends on the support and funding from the management entities that believe in this project.
Dezembro, 2017.